Terms, Disclaimers and Agreements for use of Energetic-Mastery.com website and members site, and Energetic Mastery Mindset™ Coaching Program
By enrolling in the Energetic Mastery Mindset™ Coaching Program, you are obligated to pay for the entire course, program, session or package.
You understand and agree to the following:
If I have purchased the Energetic Mastery Mindset™ Coaching Program Home Study Course then I agree to pay for the entirety of the Energetic Mastery Mindset™ Coaching Program Home Study Course even if I do not download the materials.
I understand that Patricia Reed does not dispense medical or psychological advice and/or prescribe the use of any technique, supplement, diet, exercise, or medication as a form for treatment of any physical, emotional, or medical challenges, and any and all recommendations made pertaining to nutrition, exercise, or detoxification are my own choice to apply and my responsibility to address with my doctor, physician, or health care practitioner. I understand and accept that the intent of the coach, Patricia Reed, is to offer information of a general nature to me in my endeavor for well being. In the event I use and/or apply any information offered to me for myself, my family, friends or clients, which is my Constitutional right, Patricia Reed, WholeHealthyLife.com, Energetic-Mastery.com and/or anyone associated with Energetic Mastery Mindset™ Coaching assumes no responsibility for my actions. Patricia Reed is not responsible for my results, as I assume responsibility for my own results, in accordance with my own beliefs and actions.
I understand that the statements made and products referred to throughout this website and the Energetic Mastery Mindset™ Coaching Program (including individual sessions, packages, programs and home study course) have not been evaluated by the FDA. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or condition.
By entering and using this website and/or the members site, and/or the Energetic Mastery Mindset™ Coaching Program, I agree that any application of the information or use of any product(s) referred to on this site and/or the Energetic Mastery Mindset™ Coaching Program constitutes the explicit waiver of any liability on the part of Patricia Reed. I understand that no guarantees are made on any products, information, or procedures described anywhere on this site or in the coaching program. The information here is educational only, and any decision on my part to apply any part of it is my responsibility.
I understand that it is my responsibility to consult a medical doctor before modifying my diet, using any new product, supplement, drug, or implementing any new exercise. If I have a health condition, I understand that I am advised to speak with a physician.
If I have purchased an Energetic Mastery Mindset™ Coaching session, package or program, then I understand, agree, and declare that I am committing to paying for the Energetic Mastery Mindset™ Coaching session, package or program in full, as this is a comprehensive program I am enrolling in.
I understand and agree that this is a morally and legally binding agreement. Payments for the Energetic Mastery Mindset™ Coaching individual sessions are non-refundable. I understand that for Energetic Mastery Mindset™ Coaching packages, I have until the beginning of the second session to change my mind and receive a refund, minus $500 which covers my first session and administrative fees. I understand that if I have purchased using an installment plan, then a $10 late fee will be charged for payment not received, or unable to be processed, by each installment due date.
I understand that if, for any reason, I do not make a full and complete payment for the Energetic Mastery Mindset™ Coaching Program, then I will no longer be eligible for this payment plan and I will be fully responsible for the total sum plus 10% interest, immediately.
I understand that I will be responsible for any legal fees which might arise and any expenses which may be incurred by Patricia Reed in efforts to obtain full payment for the Energetic Mastery Mindset™ Coaching Program should I fail to meet the conditions of this Agreement.
I understand the above and acknowledge I have received this information.
I agree to the Above, without exception.
Legal Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to accurately represent the Energetic Mastery Mindset™ Coaching Program and its potential. Each individual’s success depends on his or her motivation, desire, willingness, and ability to take action, and it is the decision of each person to take responsibility for himself or herself. As with any business endeavor, there are no guarantees regarding the results of any person, and each person understands any risks upon enrollment.