Discover You
Reclaim your authentic SelfIn this life, most of us lose our way. We have wounds that get stuck in our nervous system, most often before we can even remember or verbalize what overwhelmed us and got stuck as wounds that get triggered, wounds that stop us from moving forward, wounds that keep us feeling small, lost, and helpless.
I am here to help you dig through those layers so that you can once again discover you, reconnect, integrate, and live your fullness and wholeness as who you truly are.
Latest Blog Posts

When You Feel You Can’t Be Heard
One challenge I find among many who are experiencing complex trauma (CPTSD, narcissistic abuse syndrome) is the chronic feeling of being unheard. It feels like being alone in an ocean of people who are all shouting to be heard, and your voice is always drowned out....

Feeling Judged? Take Your Power Back
Judged! Ever feel like you've been judged by someone? You know, that really uncomfortable feeling that triggers all sorts of self worth and self esteem issues? Have you ever wanted to shout at someone, "Stop judging me!" This has been one of my own lifelong...

4 Subconscious Reasons Why it’s So Hard to Receive
In a previous blog post, I posed the question whether you know how to receive. The ability to receive has been one of the greatest challenges I've personally faced in my own life, and I've found that many others have blockages with their ability to receive as well....

At A Glance: 30 Traits of an Empath
Reblogged from TheKnowing1. One of the best articles I've read about what it is to be an empath. If you think you may be empathic - or even if you just think you might be losing your mind - this article is a must-read for you. 1. Knowing: Empaths just...

Your Sentient Body – A Key to Self Love
Your body is sentient - an entity in and of itself, that is both part of our consciousness and its own consciousness. It literally does what we tell it - and that includes the feelings we have about it - like judgmental feelings about its size, weight, features, age,...

5 Tips to Help You Feel Excitement for Your Life
Not so long ago, I realized that I didn't feel much excitement for my life. I had recovered from the suicidal depression I went through, but even though I'd processed the grief following all my losses and a life full of trauma and abuse, I still found myself lacking...

Love Yourself – You Are Enough
Love yourself. It almost sounds cliche, doesn't it? It seems like everyone everywhere is telling you to love yourself. Do you? Do you love yourself? What does that even mean, anyway? Personally, that is my journey in this life: learning to love myself and...

7 Reasons Why Your Psychic Abilities May Not Be Working for You
So you're trying to develop your psychic abilities, but find yourself feeling frustrated because it's just not working out. No matter what you do, it seems like your intuitive side is just not responding. You feel like your dragging your feet, wheels just spinning,...

Why So Many People Regain Weight After Dieting
Did you know that I was, at my heaviest weight, more than 200 pounds overweight because of starvation dieting? You can also read my personal story about my own dieting, metabolism and weight gain nightmare on my other website, Goddess Ignited. The following article...

Quantum Healing: The Inner Child and the Future Self
Just exactly what do the inner child and the future self have to do with quantum healing? It might first be beneficial to explain what quantum healing is, and where and when the inner child and future self exist. What is Quantum Healing? While I could...

Why I Love Jealousy
Most of us are taught that jealousy is a horrible thing. Something to be denied and resisted, something petty, stupid, and not to be indulged in. We're even hounded by many of the self-help and spiritual gurus out there not to feel jealous, but to feel happy for the...

10 Things You Can Do Right Now to Feel Good
Sometimes you need a quick fix - something you can do to feel good right now, in an instant, no thinking about it, no analyzing it, no working for it - just a good old fashioned "I NEED TO FEEL GOOD RIGHT NOW!" So what can you do? Last year I managed to get through...