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The Chi Machine is excellent for weight loss, back pain relief, lymphatic support, oxygenating and alkalinizing the blood, and many other facets of mind-body wellness.  Use it every day and watch what happens.


Excellent for lymphatic support – helps to eliminate toxins from your cells, tissues and organs.


Outstanding to help alleviate back pain – helps to strengthen the abdominal muscles and loosen up tight constriction and trigger points that account for back pain.


  • Assists with oxygenating and alkalinizing your bioterrain  – when your bioterrain is optimally oxygenated and alkaline, it is easier to release excess fat and water weight; additionally candida and cancer cannot survive in an alkaline and oxygenated environment.  The Chi Machine also helps you to increase your energy levels!


  • Chi Machine stimulates the alpha brainwave which enhances deep relaxation and meditation and provides for excellent assistance with stress relief.


  • Provides reflexology massage and far infrared technology:  in short, it feels awesome!  Use it on your feet and legs, or turn around and enjoy an amazing neck massage.  The Chi Machine helps to relieve bodily pain and fatigue, including for those who suffer with Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia.


chi machine

I personally use and LOVE my Chi Machine.  This is the model that I have and use – and it is so helpful to me in so many ways.  It’s the Chi Evergain 308DL  model, as shown in the picture above.  I highly encourage you to consider this as an outstanding investment in your Mind-Body-Spirit wellness!

Get one for yourself – click here to purchase.


The model that I use is no longer available anywhere that I can find.  Here are some really good alternatives to check out:

Back Pain and Mind-Body-Spirit Relief
Want Alkaline Water? Try Prills!