One of the biggest blocks I have found in people when it comes to achieving success in their lives is the inability to receive. After generations of programming passed down genetically, as well as picked up over the course of their lifetime, they believe that it is better to give than to receive – which is, of course, true – but somewhere along the way, their subconscious minds began to believe that it is wrong to receive. Over time, we even forget how to receive.
Think about this. How do you feel when someone gives you a simple compliment? Does it make you feel uneasy? Do you blush? Do you brush it off, or find something negative to say instead of simply accepting the compliment? If this is the case, you can be certain that you have some subconscious beliefs, or programs, about being unable to receive.
Can you accept money from others? Or does it make you feel like a “charity case” when someone gives money or some other form of support to you?
Do you wish to live in a perfect, healthy body, but no matter what you do, you just can’t get the energy you need, or lose the weight, or fully recover from whatever ails you? Are you blocked when it comes to receiving your perfect, healthy body?
How does it make you feel when someone needs you? Does it make you feel drained and resentful? If so, you have a block about receiving. A person who is fearful or resentful of needy people feel that way because they don’t believe on the subconscious level that they have anything to give – because they are blocked when it comes to receiving.
When we are unable to help others because we subconsciously believe that we can’t help because we’re not receiving, what then happens? We begin to resent and become fearful of anyone who needs us. This then turns to the very process of giving also being blocked. Our energy becomes stagnant, rather than freely flowing to us and through us.
So many of us are generous and giving by nature. It is the very essence of who we truly are. And when we come across someone in need, we want nothing more than to be able to give freely to them. But so often, what happens instead, is that our heart goes out to them, and we ache for all we wish we could do to help them. If we were receiving freely, with ease and grace, it would not be such a heart-wrenching experience to see someone else in need.
None of this is our fault. Rather than beating yourself up about how you feel, it’s time to recognize the block for what it is, accept it, and resolve it. We’ve been programmed about giving. But we have never received any adequate programming about receiving. First, realize that giving is better than receiving. That is absolutely truthful. But when you cannot receive from others, how can others then experience the joy of giving to you?
Gratitude is a key element when it comes to receiving, and if we’re programmed that it’s bad to receive in some way, then our subconscious minds cannot even be grateful for what we do receive, and instead, we are always kept in the state of wanting and needing, but not receiving or having. And this attracts more circumstances of wanting and needing.
Recognizing and addressing the subconscious blocks you have about receiving truly helps you to become even more of a giving person. It increases your gratitude and joy. A little self-examination in this area goes a long way towards making your life much more full and rich. Giving is better than receiving? Oh yes, there is no doubt about this. But it’s vital for us to be able to receive as well as give.