Discover You

Reclaim your authentic Self

In this life, most of us lose our way. We have wounds that get stuck in our nervous system, most often before we can even remember or verbalize what overwhelmed us and got stuck as wounds that get triggered, wounds that stop us from moving forward, wounds that keep us feeling small, lost, and helpless.

I am here to help you dig through those layers so that you can once again discover you, reconnect, integrate, and live your fullness and wholeness as who you truly are.


Latest Blog Posts

Why I Love Jealousy

Why I Love Jealousy

Most of us are taught that jealousy is a horrible thing.  Something to be denied and resisted, something petty, stupid, and not to be indulged in.  We're even hounded by many of the self-help and spiritual gurus out there not to feel jealous, but to feel happy for the...

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Manifestation Exercise

Manifestation Exercise

Today I've got a manifestation exercise to share with you.  I invite you to do this exercise for yourself and keep a journal to record your results.  Don't worry - this isn't hard work.  It's fun!  However it does take a few minutes of your time, and it deserves your...

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What You REALLY Want

What You REALLY Want

  Ultimately there is but one True Desire – and that is to Be Who We REALLY Are. Any and every desire we have in life is but a symbol of that. ~Patricia Reed~ From: The Space Between – An Inspirational Tale of the Journey out of the Ego-Mind and into Spirit...

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At A Glance: 30 Traits of an Empath

At A Glance: 30 Traits of an Empath

Reblogged from TheKnowing1.  One of the best articles I've read about what it is to be an empath.  If you think you may be empathic - or even if you just think you might be losing your mind - this article is a must-read for you.   1.     Knowing: Empaths just...

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Know Your Self, Trust Your Self

Know Your Self, Trust Your Self

Have you ever had an experience in which someone said things to or about you that felt very insulting and hurtful?  It's quite likely that you have had that experience at least once in your life.  Can you remember how you felt to be on the receiving end of an unkind...

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Is Your Suppressed Fear Making You Sick?

Is Your Suppressed Fear Making You Sick?

As the mind goes, so goes the body.  Whatever happens in your body, it happened in the mind first.  When you spend your time and put your power into worrying, you are actually inadvertently attacking yourself, and your body follows suit.  Your body becomes weakened,...

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A Message from My Guides – for Us All

A Message from My Guides – for Us All

  Enjoy this excerpt from my book, "The Space Between - An Inspirational Tale of the Journey out of the Ego-Mind and into Spirit."  The following is from Chapter 23: The Way Home.  It was a very important message from my guides - one that was meant to be shared...

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You’re Not Alone

You’re Not Alone

You're not alone.  I know how much it feels like you are sometimes.  But you're not.  And whatever it is that you're facing, you don't have to feel like you're going through it all alone. There is so much wisdom within you, and so much within others who are just...

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Are You Suppressing Anger?

Are You Suppressing Anger?

Anger blocks Love. Manifestations of Love in your life include joy, gratitude, prosperity, love with others, good relationships, vibrant health, passion, success, feeling good... Anger does not always show itself in obvious form - we actually like to hide anger from...

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Take My Course!

The Consciously Present Course: Module 1

Alignment. Integrity. Authenticity.

Take the ultimate journey into YOU.

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