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Self-esteem stew.  Doesn’t that sound good?  What is self-esteem stew, exactly?  It’s actually a soak… or a bath… or a purely divinely blissful soup that you treat your physical and energy bodies to.  How about taking a time-out for yourself, and instead of stewing in all that undeserving, worthless, “I’m not good enough” energy you’re around every day, and having yourself instead what I call a “Self-Esteem Stew.”  It’s grounding, and it works not only on the level of the physical body, but also your subtle energy bodies, helping you to feel a whole lot better about yourself, and about your world.  After all – your world is your reflection of your beliefs about yourself:  what you project.


Here’s how to do it:


self-esteem stewDraw yourself a bath full of water as hot as you can stand it.


Add one cup of epsom salts.


Add five drops of The Gift.


Add five drops of Self Esteem or Align.


Light some unscented candles, plug in your earbuds and a nice meditation file on your listening device (just keep it OUT of the water!), or turn on your stereo, without headphones, take off your clothes, get in the tub, and relax for 30 minutes.


Voila!  Self-Esteem Stew.  Now don’t you feel better?


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