Discover You

Reclaim your authentic Self

In this life, most of us lose our way. We have wounds that get stuck in our nervous system, most often before we can even remember or verbalize what overwhelmed us and got stuck as wounds that get triggered, wounds that stop us from moving forward, wounds that keep us feeling small, lost, and helpless.

I am here to help you dig through those layers so that you can once again discover you, reconnect, integrate, and live your fullness and wholeness as who you truly are.


Latest Blog Posts

Self-Esteem Stew

Self-Esteem Stew

Self-esteem stew.  Doesn't that sound good?  What is self-esteem stew, exactly?  It's actually a soak... or a bath... or a purely divinely blissful soup that you treat your physical and energy bodies to.  How about taking a time-out for yourself, and instead of...

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The Gift of Each Other

The Gift of Each Other

I may not know you personally.  You and I may not have ever crossed paths before.  You may love being here, or you may detest everything I share with you.  You might be my best friend, or even my soul mate... or you might see me as your mortal enemy.  But there is one...

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Your Beautiful Rut

Your Beautiful Rut

"What!?  What do you mean?  Beautiful rut?  Beautiful rut!?  What on Earth are you talking about?  This isn't beautiful at all.  It's mean and nasty and has me stuck, and I want out! Now! Now now now!  Beautiful? What are you, nuts?" Sound familiar? Of course you must...

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What Other People Think of You

What Other People Think of You

What other people think of you is not your business, nor is it your responsibility to try to make other people think well of you. What they think of you is their business. Thinking well of you is their responsibility.   It's not our place to judge others. Each of...

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What is YOUR Reason Behind Your Weight?

What is YOUR Reason Behind Your Weight?

Let's talk about weight.  Everybody talks about gaining it or losing it.  Is your body at your ideal weight?  Why not? Chances are, you don't really know the answer to that.  You might believe it's because you eat too much, or that you don't exercise enough or drink...

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In Lak’ech – I Am Another You

In Lak’ech – I Am Another You

The Mayans used to say "In Lak'ech" in greeting to one another.  Our translation of "In Lak'ech" is literally "I am another yourself."  The Mayans always knew what so many of us are just beginning to become consciously aware of, and that is the Truth of Oneness - that...

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Let Go

Let Go

"How dare you leave me!" The words echoed through my mind as I looked at the boy, wide-eyed, in shock.  Why would he say that to me?  He didn't even know me! As I walked back home from the park where I had run into the teenage boy and talked with him a bit, I searched...

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Take My Course!

The Consciously Present Course: Module 1

Alignment. Integrity. Authenticity.

Take the ultimate journey into YOU.

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