Art © Josephine Wall
Most days, I tune into Collective Consciousness to pull out a jewel of wisdom to share as a daily reading.
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Pay Attention to the Animals
Today's message from Collective Consciousness directs us to the animal kingdom. Our friends have important messages for us, and we need only listen and pay attention to our animal friends who share Earth with us. Whatever it takes for you to connect with animals...
Knock Knock – Time to Make a Choice
Today's message from Collective Consciousness sounds more like a knock at the door. Knock knock! Who's there? Opportunity! You have been making excellent choices in your life, which have brought you to this point. Now it's time to make another choice. The energy...
Know Yourself – Trust and Follow Your Intuition
Today's message from Collective Consciousness is telling us that it's important to look within right now for the answers that we seek. There's something you're asking about - and it's important that you set aside time for learning about that which you need to know....
Let Go of what No Longer Serves You
Today's message from Collective Consciousness asks us to take a good, honest look at our lives and spot what is no longer working for us. This is hardly an easy chore. Oftentimes, we are blind to what we don't want to see - and so we can't see exactly what it is...
Stuck in the Throat
Today's message from Collective Consciousness brings our attention to feelings of distrust, anger, and emotions that feel stuck in the throat. Many of us are experiencing some throat issues currently, as we have all been getting triggered left and right, pulling up...
Play Before Work
Today's message from Collective Consciousness is really putting an emphasis on play, pleasure and passion. Many of us have been stifling ourselves, boxing ourselves in, even enslaving ourselves to responsibilities that aren't nearly as important as the 3D illusion...
Remember Who You Are
Today's message from Collective Consciousness is giving us a loud and clear "remember who you are." We're reminded that we are Divine Light, at our core. We are, each and every one of us, a piece of God/Source. We've been getting caught up in the 3D illusions...
Feeling and Dealing with Earth’s Energetic Shifts
Today's message from Collective Consciousness tells us that Earth is undergoing some major energetic shifts right now, and many of us are feeling it and having a hard time dealing with it. Many of us are experiencing "ascension symptoms" as Earth's frequencies...
Take Time to Meditate, Let Go, and Laugh
Today's message from Collective Consciousness is reminding us that it's important to stop for a moment, let go, and laugh. We are reminded that we're not quite fully out of 3D yet - there is still a waiting period between the idea we have been working on manifesting,...
Indulge Your Senses and Love All that Is
Today's message from Collective Consciousness is telling us that we need to turn down our thoughts a bit and allow our beingness to flow. Your creative side is bursting at the seams, so to speak, to come out and express your Soul. We are asked to honor that through...
Clarify Your Dreams and Focus!
Today's message from Collective Consciousness is that you are on the right track with your new idea, which has been Divinely inspired, and you are congratulated for picking it up and moving with it! This new idea or project is brilliant, and you are urged to continue...
Take Time for You
Today's message from Collective Consciousness is urging you to take a closer look at everything you've got going on and let some of it go, because you're spreading yourself too thin. Many people have been asking of - perhaps even demanding - your time and attention,...